Passport OCR

The predefined Passport OCR Model can be used to extract information from Passports including Passport Number, Names and Nationality.

Supported file types: JPG, PNG and PDF

Passport Extraction Product Screenshot

Extracted Fields

The full list of supported fields is:

Field NameDescription
Document NumberExtracted Passport Number
First NameExtracted given name and middle initial if applicable
Last NameExtracted surname
Birth DateExtracted date of birth
Expiration DateExtracted expiration date
SexExtracted sex. Possible values include "M", "F" and "X"
NationalityCountry or region code compliant with ISO 3166 standard
Machine Readable ZoneExtracted Machine Readable Zone including two lines of 44 characters each

Using the API

You can follow these guides for how to integrate with the API in common languages:

  1. Python Passport OCR
  2. Node.js Passport OCR