The predefined W2 OCR Model can be used to extract information from W2s including Employee and Employer Information, Income Amounts and Wages.

Supported file types: JPG, PNG and PDF

W2 Extraction Product Screenshot

Extracted Fields

The full list of supported fields is:

Field NameDescription
Allocated TipsAllocated Tips for this W2
Control NumberControl Number for this W2
Dependent Care BenefitsDependent Care Benefits for this W2
EINEmployer Identification Number for this W2
Employee AddressThe Employee Address for this W2
Employee NameThe Employee Name for this W2
Employer Name and AddressThe Employer Name and Address for this W2
Employer State ID Number Line 1The first line of the Employer State ID Number for this W2
Federal Income Tax WitheldThe Federal Income Tax Witheld for this W2
Form YearThe year for this W2
Local Income Tax Line 1The first line of the Local Income Tax for this W2
Local Wages and Tips Line 1The first line of the Local Wages and Tips for this W2
Locality Name Line 1The first line of the Locality Name for this W2
Medicare Tax WithheldThe Medicare Tax Withheld for this W2
Medicare Wages and TipsThe Medicare Wages and Tips for this W2
Nonqualified PlansThe Nonqualified Plans for this W2
SSNThe Social Security Number of the employee for this W2
Social Security Tax WithheldThe Social Security Tax Withheld for this W2
Social Security TipsThe Social Security Tips for this W2
Social Security WagesThe Social Security Wages for this W2
State Income Tax Line 1The first line of the State Income Tax for this W2
State Wages and Tips Line 1The first line of the State Wages and Tips for this W2
State Line 1The first line of the State for this W2
Wages Tips and Other CompensationThe Wages, Tips and Other Compensation for this W2

Using the API

You can follow these guides for how to integrate with the API in common languages:

  1. Python W2 OCR
  2. Node.js W2 OCR