US Driver's License OCR

The predefined US Driver's License OCR Model can be used to extract information from Driver's Licenses including Names, Dates, Addresses and ID Numbers.

Supported file types: JPG, PNG and PDF

US Driver's License Extraction Product Screenshot

Extracted Fields

The full list of supported fields is:

Field NameDescription
RegionState that issued the driver's license
Document NumberDriver's license number
Vehicle ClassificationsClass of vehicles the driver is allowed to operate
Expiration DateDate of expiry of the license
Last NameSurname
First NameGiven name and middle name if applicable
Full AddressFull address of the driver, including street address, city, state, and ZIP code
Street AddressStreet address portion of the driver's full address
CityCity portion of the driver's full address
StateState portion of the driver's full address
ZIP CodeZIP code portion of the driver's full address
Birth DateDate of birth of the driver
RestrictionsRestrictions on the license
EndorsementsEndorsements or special privileges on the license
SexSex of the driver, possible values include "M", "F" and "X"
Hair ColorHair color of the driver
Eye ColorEye color of the driver
HeightHeight of the driver
WeightWeight of the driver
Issue DateDate of issue of the license
Document DiscriminatorSecurity code to identify where and when the license was issued

Using the API

You can follow these guides for how to integrate with the API in common languages:

  1. Python Driver's License OCR
  2. Node.js Driver's OCR